HH: The Election Results

Day 614, 00:29 Published in Singapore Singapore by lightofsirius

This congress election we just had was indeed a harrowing experience. All of us have sacrifice time and votes to elect legitimate candidates into our congress. Although we tried our best, one illegal candidate have managed to gather 9 votes for himself to secure a place in congress.

Some of us sacrificed time to send dozens of messages to fellow citizens to ensure citizens understand the situation, and to get them to vote accordingly. Some of us sacrificed time to write up articles to get the media saturated with anti-PTO message. I myself sacrificed gold to put up the advertisement to get voters to prevent successful take-over.

I give you the election results:

Singapore Republican Party:
Woshiempire - 18 votes
Anthos Tagannis - 8 votes
JrSlayer - 6 votes

Birthday Party:
Teh You Jing - 15 votes
elleana - 9 votes
Perry K - 9 votes
LadyAmber - 9 votes

Anarchist Party:
Rapid 320 - 8 votes

Nationalist Party
Relorian - 7 votes

PTO Candidate:
BB - 9 votes

Concluding words for everyone
I would like to say "kena sai" to BB. Just for that selfish 5 gold, he ran for congress in our small nation. I'm glad the rest of his buddies gave up the race and got no one to vote for them. Arantar almost got in, but the efforts of our citizens allowed another candidate to replace him, pushing him out of the qualified list.

Special thanks to Switzerland, Domiboss and Dio Maksas and everyone else among our Swiss allies for providing us with auxiliary support in this elections. Their help is invaluable throughout our nation's growth.

I'm really glad to be a nation that works together. Once again, we have just shown our unity against the losers from elsewhere. Time and time again, we have been heckled by losers from elsewhere, however, we eSingaporeans prove to ourselves every single time that we are not to be divided among ourselves when it comes to dealing with them.

Thank you eSingapore so much!!!