Hungarians at the Gates! Not! :D

Day 612, 18:01 Published in Canada Canada by Goran Thrax

Well, we won. I am so rediculously tired! 15 hours of election... Never again thank goodness.

Anyhow, 20 confirmed seats for us. 1 CSD seat that seems to be a glitch of sorts. and 16 confirmed seats for them. So we have a majority, if a slim one.

Jacobi asked for a list of credits. Well JT_Vanguard and Myself worked at this throughout the day, while Jacobi did valuable analysis of the polling data. As the evening rolled on, we were joined in strategic planning by koolmanjack, TomJane, and Citizen B. All of whom gave invaluable aid, finding more voters, and passing along instructions; keeping an eye on the polls and being upbeat and cheerful to warm the weary hearts of those who wasted an entire Saturday defeating Hungary!

Thank you also to the many people who held their votes, and then confirmed with us on where to vote, there are just too many people to name you all but you did a hell of a job and your timing, was impeccable!

Thank you one and all Canadians, you have safeguarded eCanada!

Speaker of Congress Goran Thrax