Mission Accomplished

Day 594, 00:12 Published in North Korea Brazil by Celio Azevedo

Mission Accomplished

Hello great citizens of eNorth Korea,

First, I would like to thanks everybody who voted to me in congressional elections two times, party president elections and finally, the presidential elections, that I ran only for promote my political party, the NKCP.

I had a great experience here in this wonderfull country. We avoided the PEACE PTO and saved our economy. I also would like to thanks everyone who helped me to save the socialist party of eNorth Korea, the old Democratic Socialist Party and who helped me to create the North Korean Communist Party.

I feel victorious in all the ways, cos I lived many things here, being strong and having fun too. But now, I feel also that my mission is accomplished in eNorth Korea. Actually, I have to go to another country and expand my ideals. Maybe I will go to eRussia or eUSA. I will take a break before too, doing my military career and helping the Socialist International movement. For these elections in NKCP (The old DSP) I will support, in my place, the comrade Aarons-Miller, the actual party vice president, for these party president elections.

The Socialism ideals never will dies.

Long life to eSocialism !

Long life to eNorth Korea !

Join in the North Korean Communist Party – NKCP !

Celio Azevedo.