Super Stealth Zombie Ninja Death Squad Revealed!

Day 587, 22:59 Published in USA USA by Jameson L. Tai

For the longest time, the eUS Army has denied the existence of the 3rd Infantry Division, and recently - 1st Infantry Division 4th Platoon. Cover ups were made across the board - from denying and deleting the 3rd Infantry Division forum thread... to random disappearances of soldiers in 1/4.

Tremaine, the Executive Officer of the Army has issued an unofficial statement on IRC stating:
&Tremaine- we do not have the 1/4 at this time
&Tremaine- it was wiped out in a tragic helicopter accident in the Mojave desert
&Tremaine- terrible

Former XO of the 1st Infantry Division, Ian John Locke IV, had "absolutely no idea what the hell you're talking about" and subsequently kicked me off of the army IRC channel.

But The Blag boldly reveals in an exclusive - that the missing units have been converted into a secret squad, so secret no one below a lieutenant colonel knows what's going on - UNTIL NOW.

The Super Stealth Zombie Ninja Death Squad is headed by no other than JOSEPH SCHMO. By faking his retirement, Joseph has been stepping up his own personal army after recruiting the best for himself. This shocking news comes after a leak was discovered in the depths of the "Questions for the Generals" thread in the forums. (The image is the stolen avatar from Joseph Schmo... who apparently is now a Colonel...)

Although details of this death squad is still not completely known, it is clear that the Army has been restructuring into an indestructible force - hiding in disguise. Forget killer squirrels, who cares about rabbing rabbits, polar bear ambushes... BEWARE of the Super Stealth Zombie Ninja Death Squad!!!

To join this elite unit you must be a member of the eUS Army (then declared dead by Army officials)... Take the first step! Join the eUS Army!