2. The Senate

Day 572, 12:30 Published in Australia Australia by The Old Oak
2. The Senate

i- election
ii- laws
iii- further reading

i- election

You've decided to take your first steps in the political arena. The best way to do so is to run for Senate, which is also called Congress. To be eligible, you need to be level 12 or higher and be a member of one of the five largest parties.

To candidate, go to your party homepage between the 16th and 23rd of the month and click the Candidate button and you will be asked to provide a link to your presentation, which is called a manifesto exposing your views, plan and why people should vote for you. The president of your party will then decide who he will support in the Congress elections. There are a certain number of seats, determined by the number of regions in the country (more info). Wildcards are the aspiring politicians that didn't receive enough votes to make to Senate in their region, but have most votes amongst the non elected candidates in the country.

ii- laws

As a member of Senate, you have the right to put two Law proposals up for voting during your mandate as well as vote for any law proposal. You will receive an alert when a law is in voting. To propose a law, go to My places and Country Administration. Here is a quick run-down of the law you can propose:
New citizen fee to change the amount of money the state gives new citizens upon eBirth;
Donate to transfer money or gold from the country treasury to an organisation;
Issue Money to print local currency at the price of one local currency unit for 0.005 gold;
Taxes to change taxes on a particular product. These include the VAT, the income and import taxes;
Minimum wage to change the country minimum wage;
President impeachment to remove the current president and have replace by the deputy president.

All proposals require over half of votes to be in favour to be passed, with the exception of president impeachment where over two thirds (66.66😵 are required for the law to pass. Each voting lasts 24 hours and only one type of law can be proposed at the same time.

iii- further reading

All the information pertaining to the present topic is to be found in the wiki. You could read articles on congress membership, country administration, congress election and congress seats and wildcards.

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