South America grows larger

Day 570, 07:48 Published in by Plato

Dear citizens,
The newest eRepublik countries include Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay, which joined the New World two days ago. With the addition of these five republics, the gap between the other four South American states has been filled, and now only a few countries on that continent are not part of the New World.
Each of the five new countries are known to hold fertile lands, while the larger ones (Colombia, Peru and Bolivia) also have some iron and oil deposits. Deep tropical forests cover much of the territory belonging to the new states, so they will not be lacking wood resources.
No war may be declared on Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay until day 613 of the New World. This will give the new countries enough time to gather inhabitants and get prepared for the threats they may face. Also, these states will not be allowed to start wars either, until day 613.
We would like to welcome all the South Americans from the new countries to eRepublik, and wish them the best of luck in the New World.
The eRepublik Team