Your vote will takedown Indonesia and raise Matzanesia. UPDATED for eRo players.

Day 562, 12:08 Published in Romania Romania by Victor Petrescu
Update DOAR pentru eRomani: asteptati ordinele INAINTE DE A VOTA.
Aruncati o privire prin vecini.
Update only for eRomanians. eWorl😛 carry on with your votes in Indonesia.

========= ORIGINAL ARTICLE NEXT =============================

ROMANIA: Avem candidat unic. Nu e nevoie sa votati in eRomania.
Toti cei din structuri sa ceara ordine. Nu va mutati decat la ordin.
AVEM 24 de ore la dispozitie pentru a ne muta si vota. Unde va grabiti cu votatul?

Votati acest articol.

The eWorl😛

Vote for me and this article. Let's get it into top 5 international news on elections day!!!

Hello eWorld,

I am Victor Petrescu, the leader of the Matzanesian Ruling Elite party from Matzanesia (also known as Indonesia) and I am asking you to vote for me on the 5th of June 2009, to become the President of Matzanesia (Indonesia).

If you are already in Indonesia, you can vote directly.
If you are in some other country, you must first move to Indonesia (to any region) and then vote for me.
For that you will need 1 or 2 moving tickets to get here and 1 or 2 moving tickets to move back to your original home.
You can also stay here if you want to, we'll make this a great place to live in, for people with an advanced sense of humor.

Why 1 or 2 moving tickets?

If your country is involved in a war with Indonesia, you cannot move here directly, because you cannot move between 2 countries that are at war against each other.
Therefor, you must first move to a neutral country and then move to Indonesia (you will need 2 tickets that way).
If your country is not at war with Indonesia, you can move here directly.

Why vote for me?

1. You will probably want to vote for me if you are an ally of eRomania or ATLANTIS.

2. You will also want to vote for me if your country/community was conquered by Indonesia.
Remember Indians and Australians, the vote is secret. Nobody will see who voted for me.
You can help me hit Indonesia hard from the inside without anyone accusing you for breaking any treaty.

3. If you are from Romania, remember Romania is safe, no need to vote there, we have only 1 candidate.

4. For the pleasure of participating in the greatest PUBLIC takeover in eRep history.
Remember, we have the necessary congress seats to avoid being impeached.
And also, I will launch an impeach attempt today, to block the impeach for 7 days.

5. Because this is a "one time" opportunity to hit PEACE hard and hurt them badly. All the thousands of gold spent to get Indonesia where it is today will be wasted. It will be beyond recognition when I'll be done with them.

What will I do to Indonesia if I will be elected President?

1. Release all conquered nations.
2. Give important territories to the helping nations (not Romania, the involved nations know what I'm talking about)
3. Not request any MPPs.
4. Initiate all kind of laws that will block their congress for 1 month at least.


The eWorld is full of people that I cannot make sure they are who they say they are.
Under no circumstances I cannot give tickets/money for people to move because I'm not sure where are the tickets going.

If you don't have money, you can ask your national organizations where people that can
confirm who you are can help you, if they want to.
Organized structures that recruited you (if they did) should help you.

2 tickets are not huge effort for you. Please help.
At the last elections (for congress), there was a total of 4898 votes.
My party won 50% of the congress seats.

We need many many voters from all countries to come and help us in this adventure.

These are my intentions.

Please remember what our mentor said thousands of years ago:

"All warfare is based on deception."
and my favorite:

"In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than to destroy them."

Even if you cannot vote for me but still agree with my ideas, you can help by promoting this article. Vote and shout this to help bring votes.

Please vote for this article too:
