The United States Army: Its relevance and leaders

Day 555, 09:43 Published in USA USA by Knojerakk

The United States Army: Its relevance and leaders

The United States Army has been considered superfluous, pointless, and ineffective, those are just a few of the things that have been said. And over the past few months, many people making these claims were correct. Today, I come to you to announce a new Army.

“We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view.”

The United States Army is being restructured; we are working with congress and are open to comment from all citizens of the United States. The Army will be the effective fighting force that the American people have desired soon. We already have one division at high readiness and the others are getting their quickly, we have some divisions growing, and we are recruiting on a daily basis.

�Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion�

Within our new recruits we are getting positive feedback and received comments such as:
“Sir, my leadership has been in excellent contact with me. Sir!”
“I have been contacted with a very warm welcome. Thank you very much.”
We in the army believe that to be all that we can be ™ we must work hand in hand with past soldiers and new recruits alike.

For soldiers and citizens alike who may be interested in joining the United States Army, I direct you to this link:

Join us and be Army Strong! ™

Advertising slogans aside, we in the Army command truly believe that the Army is and will be a relevant member of the United States Armed Forces Community.

So I present to you the Members of the Current United States Army Command

General Joseph Schmo, he is our commanding officer and is directing the reorganization of the Army and will lead us to become a strong, effective fighting force.
Lt General Knojerakk, just me, I have experience and I enjoy media whoring the army 🙂

1st Division Co, Colonel Goaly1323, Col Goaly is doing her best to quickly improve and restructure the First Division, and personally I believe she is doing a great job.
1st Division Xo, Major Ian John Locke IV, Ian is well known in the political realms of this game, and is a recent addition to our 1st division command staff. His presence will assist us greatly in our goals!

2nd Division Co, Colonel Headmistress Talia, Col Talia is the recently promoted Co of 2nd Division and is also doing everything she can get that division up and running. General Schmo and I have the utmost faith in her abilities.
2nd Division Xo, Major Zsandmann, Major Z is another new addition to our command staff. He has been an experienced officer and I know that he will give Col Talia all the assistance she needs.

4rd Division Co, Colonel Tremaine, Colonel Tremaine is one of the most senior Army officers we have and we are lucky that he is willing to stick around and keep his division running.
4th Division Xo, Major NXNW, Major NXNW is just as good as any other officer I have met during my time in the military and I know that once he is done assisting Col Tremaine, he will have a bright future ahead of him.

This concludes the breakdown of the United States Army’s command staff. We look forward to serving the eAmerican people with distinction.

�So let us begin anew.�

The United States Army has been improving at a rapid rate, I have seen a lot of change in my few days as its XO and it truly has been a great opportunity that was presented to me. This is the Army of the future, you need never forget the Army of the past, just know and accept, that the old Army is gone; this Army is here to fight, protect, and kick in the doors of America’s enemies.

“Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.”

Thank you,
Lt. General Knojerakk
Executive officer, United States Army

All quotes in bold between sections come from Pres. John F. Kennedy