Iranian concentration camp liberated

Day 540, 10:19 Published in China China by Snayke

While the resistance forces have largely made moves within and around the Beijing area, actions in the underpopulated areas have been scarce. However, murmurs of the infamous Goon star being sighted in the outer areas of China have emerged. The first major operation was conducted in the early hours of this morning. Their target? A medium sized concentration camp located in the countryside of Shandong.

The Shah Re-Education Centre, as it was named, was a facility to confine political prisoners. It was mostly inhabited by those of the Goon ethnicity but also contained a number of Chinese citizens, loyal to a free China. A blatant attempt at suppressing the masses of China into submitting to Iranian tyrannical rule, these citizens were imprisoned for their bravery to speak out against the oppression experienced in every corner of China.

The first shots rang, but only a few. At first there was confusion as the Iranian prison guards became alert as more shots were heard. No clear direction could be ascertained from the shooting. It seemed to be everywhere. Suddenly, an explosion rocked the facility as one of the barracks erupted into a ball of fire. The other barracks where all of its guards were dazed and disoriented was in chaos. Windows were broken and doors were kicked in. Men armed with knives and sidearms eliminated all who did not wear a familiar symbol. The yellow star appeared on every shoulder of the liberators.

The ensuing minutes saw the few remaining prison guards desperate for survival. Some surrendered, others died fighting. Prisoners of every colour were released and taken into refuge in Goon shelters and bases that dot the nation which are growing in numbers.

The question on everyone's mind, especially the small Iranian mind, just who are supplying the Goons and their war of justice?