Interview | SGV’s Popelus on the Secta and the Philippines

Day 537, 12:11 Published in Philippines Philippines by Swagger McSwag

Notorious Secta del Guru Varnish (SGV) supporter and former Visayas Congress representative Popelus spills all (well, almost) in this rather affable but in-depth and exclusive interview with The Outsider. He discusses his party’s short-lived political take-over (PTO) in the Philippines, his experiences in the country, future plans, and the Spanish language.

So, it’s been 5 days since the presidential elections. How have you been?

I’m fine. How about you? And Nina [Ayu]. I’m using a tranductor. I must be serious. I speak English a bit bad.

It’s okay. I’m fine, too. She’s the mod here. Let’s move to PM... How would you describe your experience in the Philippines?

To be in the Philippines with the sect of the Guru Varnish was very entertaining. And, I believe that you have amused, too!

So, were you one of the original planners of the Philippines PTO? I mean, where you one of the masterminds of Secta del Guru Varnish?

Really, no. The original planner was [former Philippine congressman and SGV president] Jurgo [Evergetes], and I think [former Philippine congressman] Crio Genio [V8] helped him too. I went to ePhilippines a few days later. I understand, but I have to think the answer.

Is this your first PTO?

Well, I voted in [the eFrance PTO attempt] some months ago, but, really, I didn’t do anything in this TO. Yes, the ePhilippines TO was my first TO.

You became very famous in the Philippines because you always commented on all the articles. You were also the only known Secta member who joined the official ePhilippines forums ( and actually “participated” in forum discussions. Because of your efforts, many people underestimated the Secta and allowed your party to campaign for foreign voters unnoticed by us. Anyway, why did you join the Secta in the first place?

I believe that I am not famous in eFilipinas, but I am the Spanish who [related more with] the Filipinos, both in the game and in the forum, and the IRC. I have helped enough to the Sect, but there are many people who has worked very much and has strained more than me. I decided to join because eRepublik is boring, and I want do new things.

You said that you had an enjoyable experience participating in the TO. Do you see yourself joining another TO party in the future?

Hmm. Hey, why not?

What was your most memorable experience here in the Philippines?

*laughs* When it was necessary to propose new laws to the Congress and we all were trying that our law was first.

*laughs* True. For the first few days, we were always first in proposing. But after that, you would always get to submit your proposals first. What was your technique?

The first days, some of our congressman were in holidays. When they come, we talk by MSN and we were very organizated.

Was it your plan all along to rob the national treasury?

We came to amuse ourselves and to have an own (proper) country for the Guru Varnish, like the theocracy in Switzerland.

So, you were really serious about creating a "borderless" eNation with the Philippines at the center? I thought that was just a joke.

Yes, it is for what we were looking. But obviously we were doing it to amuse ourselves. *laughs*

What was the biggest challenge you faced in trying to TO the country?

The Congress election was so difficult. We need distribute the votes.

But, I must say you did it masterfully. How did you do it?

Many members of the Sect had to work very much looking for votes and distributing them.

The Secta stole a total of 38 GOLD and 2015 PHP from the national treasury. Jurgo used some of the gold to create the Sasha Grey Food and Sasha Grey Grain companies. But, did you get some money, too. If so, how much?

The money went to the Guru Varnish accounts, not to Jurgo. I won 5 gold for [winning the] Congress [elections].

Doesn't Jurgo own the Guru Varnish account? So, you personally did not receive any money from the Philippine treasury?

Jurgo own the Guru Varnish account, but he didn’t receive money in his account... Well, when we leave from ePhilippines we distribute the money! I received 1 gold. *laughs*

I see. Jurgo built the grain company in a region with NO GRAIN. What can you say about that?

Jurgo BUY the grain company in a region with no grain. I thought it was a fail. *laughs*

*laughs* The Secta proposed and passed laws that were potentially catastrophic and that intended to damage the Philippine economy. You yourself proposed the first of these laws: the 50% VAT and income tax hike on the food industry. Was that something you had planned all along, or did you get that idea when you arrived here?

I just proposed the laws. But the Sect decided those laws.

But, why? We have our own theories on why you did that. But, I want to hear it straight from you.

We wanted the Filipinos to go away so we could have the whole country for ourselves. Also, we wanted that our companies were the only ones selling.

*laughs* But, we didn’t go away.

Yeah. We fail a bit. *laughs*

So, why did you leave? Was it because we didn’t go away? Or, did you receive orders to go to France?

We received orders to go to France. Also, we got bored here. There was no money. *laughs*

What’s up with France?

France was a big FAIL.

I heard you lost the TO attempt by almost 200 votes.

We were about to do a TO there, but decided not to [at the last moment]. We went to France for nothing.

The real-life (RL) Filipinos have not progressed far enough into the game to conduct PTOs of their own. However, if that time should come, can you give us any tips on how to stage a successful PTO?

*laughs hard* The secret for do a TO is so secret!

You won't share any tips on how to perform a successful TO?

You need many people. Maaanyy people.

You vowed never to return to the Philippines? Why?

I think I will never return to ePhilippines because there are no work. Because I do not have any motive for returning. Anyhow I will look at the Philippine press and will join the IRC.

You love it here.

I only can say that it is “grate”.

Will you teach me español?

Spanish is a difficult language for teaching. Because, the verbs are very complicated.

Really? What’s Spanish for “really”?


Ah. Okay. Maybe next time.

By the way, is the Secta del Guru Varnish still alive?

Of course! We have new plans.

*laughs* Just don’t come back.


Okay. Last question... Wait. I can’t think of any. Anyway, it was nice talking to you. Thank you very much for your time.

No problem. It was funny.

Yeah. Let’s talk again some time. Enjoy the rest of your day... Ah! Ah! Ah! The last questions!


Why is your name Popelus? Is that you name in real life (IRL)?

*laughs* Popelus is not my real name. My real name is Alejandro. I think Popelus is a “lulz” nick.

Okies. *laughs* Talk to you again soon.

Equal to you.

-A Brief History of the Varnish Debacle

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May 11, 2009