Breaking News | Secta Member Proposes President Impeachment

Day 523, 04:25 Published in Philippines Philippines by Swagger McSwag

MANILA - Palawan Congress Representative Alfonso of the Spanish-led Secta del Guru Varnish (SGV) has formally proposed a law in Congress calling for the impeachment of Philippine President Big Boy Bulley just 10 minutes ago.


As of the moment, votes are running neck to neck at 4-6.

According to Alfonso, "[President Big Boy Bulley] is trying to steal 35 GOLD of the Treasure of Phillipinnes".

In response to this allegation, Luzon Representative Ariel David Buena (FPM) clarified that the government is merely transferring funds from the national treasury to the official national central bank, the Bank of Philippines.

Editor's Note: As a supporter of the FPM-PFF Coalition Government, I would like to urge ALL congressmen to vote NO to this proposal. ALL congressmen, even those in the Secta del Guru Varnish. Please vote NO to this proposal to prevent the reputation of your party from being forever tarnished in the eyes of the Filipino public. I speak as a friend.

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April 26, 2009