Everyone, Please Report Abuse

Day 516, 04:38 Published in Philippines Philippines by Swagger McSwag

Gentle Readers,

For the past couple of days, I have watched the ridiculous spectacle of Crio's antics on the ePhilippine media scene. I have watched in amusement thinking most of his rants to be benign.

However, he has gone too far.

Please read this article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/elyzzacarell-780852/1/all

(I suggest you copy or take screen shots of this article so that we will still have evidence even if Crio decides to delete his articles.)

I call upon all concerned citizens of the Philippines to Report Crio Genio V8 for Abuse to the admin. He has clearly violated several rules of conduct ingame. These rules can be found at: http://www.erepublik.com/en/forum/topic/86399/erepublik-laws/1

To cite some of Crio's violations (from CITIZEN LAWS):

2. No citizen should oppress another citizen.
2.1 Racism, extremism, trolling, flaming and pornography are prohibited.
2.2 No insult, public accusation without proof, or indirect attack on a citizen are allowed.

3.1 No vulgarity, insult, spam, or advertising for external products or services are allowed.

10. You must be over 14 years old in order to use eRepublik.
10.1 We reserve the right to close any citizen accounts that prove to be created or administrated by a person under 14 years old.

In these photos of Crio Genio, he is clearly not even over 4 years of age.

If enough of us report abuse, this will surely catch the attention of admin and finally get someone BANNED.

So please go to Crio Genio V8's profile at http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1368637 and click Report Abuse. You may copy and cite information from this article in your report.

-Ariel, concerned citizen