Taytaz - Running for Congress (again)

Day 514, 22:01 Published in Australia United Kingdom by taytaz

Usually, I reject clichés, but I have a certain personal cliché that I like to use in front of all election themed articles, and that is:

It is that time of month again when the people of Australia are about to exercise their most powerful and important right, the time when the old loaf of stale bread (metaphor for old congressmen) is given to the homeless shelter to make way for a new, fluffy loaf that will continue the great work of their predecessors and lead Australia forward (new congressmen). Although many of the old guard wish to stay on (i.e.: me, I'm not stale), a lot of new blood has graced Australia's shores in recent times, and in light of this I have made a decision. Having represented NSW for 3 terms as a Senator, for both the ADSP and ACP, my fair share has been taken. I am announcing that this will be my last term if I am elected.

But enough of the silly sentimental gibberish that none of you actually read. Let's get down to the sub-headings that are capitalised and highlighted in bold, that'll get your attention.

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I like to describe myself as economically retarded. I have brilliant potential (ego-booster ftw!) but somehow the universe doesn't allow me to make sense of a spreadsheet. Luckily, I took steps to combat this, and as a relatively successful GM and worker who has studied Australia's economic climate quite closely recently, I believe that my knowledge of the current budget requirements, income, and the industrial situation is enough to satisfy the needs of a political representative (I'm better than Iemma then 😉)

In terms of the economy, apart from a worker crisis, we are quite stable. Apart from a stable supply of higher Q food (4&5), and slightly overpriced grain, there is nothing in the economy that is damaging the lives of the average Australian. That said, there is room for improvement, and the more GM accountability is pushed and protection ensured for Australian workers, the better Australia's workforce will become.

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Foreign Affairs
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As many of my friends would know, i like the word 'MoFA.' I am currently the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and have been for a while (interrupted by a month as Minister of Social Services, and then Senate Speaker. I believe that a healthy friendship with Indonesia would be very beneficial. Indonesia are a very reasonable nation, and a very powerful nation (good traits of an ally), and because we are neighbours, an agreement would still mean we could stay neutral as we do today in almost all word affairs.

Also, with our new Q5 hospital built, and the possibility of a direct war for Australia somewhat low, we need to use it. I will expand on this in the military section, but all in all, i believe we need to 'MPP up' with somebody involved in conflict so Australians can finally get a fight.

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It has been said by me and some others that Australian media could improve a little bit. Too often our media is either too brief, or too quickly brushed aside by articles that are. Often, these articles could be great, but too little education is available on how to write, and how to write well. I would like to propose a slightly different solution to this problem:

The Australian Newspaper Association

This Association would be run by the Minister of Heritage and the Arts for the sole purpose of making Australia's media more reliable, informative and inquisitive. They would offer FAQs and Guides of the Wiki for how to write compelling articles. They would also offer an avenue for new players without a newspaper to publish their stories, so all people can be heard, not just those with 2 gold. As the treasury increases, grants and/or loans could start being provided to promising journalists to buy a newspaper for themselves.

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Australia should have, and has the potential to have, a GREAT military. With Deputy Prime Minister Widdows9000 at the helm looking to implement some ACP initiatives such as a Democratic Military as well as improve activity and the role of all members, there is little that widdows hasn't been able to start on.

I would like to support all this great work that has been done on our military by pushing for it to finally be allowed to use it's new found power. Enough of the small scale overseas training done only by Dropbears. Australia needs to get an MPP with a nation that might be attacked for whatever reason so that our military, everybody of every strength, can participate and fight. And heck, when you spend so much on a hospital, a 30G MPP won't kill us!

The ACP is committed to making Australia strong, and as their Chairman and so spokesperson, a vote for any ACP candidate, be it myself, Patrick Ryan, Fallbackpants or any other candidate, is a vote well spent. If you want accountability in the Senate, if you want fresh ideas from a newly re-invented party, if you want a real alternative that still offers progress, then vote ACP for the Senate in April.