ANP Party President's First Address

Day 482, 03:40 Published in Australia Australia by Alte Altus

Well, what can I say? Thankyou for your support, it's greatly appreciated and I shall do my utmost to lead this party well.

It was a close one. 16 votes each to Mr. Awesome and myself, meaning I won due to game experience alone. Fitting then i think that my first action as Party President be to announce Mr. Awesome as Vice President. He has more than qualified for this position and I have great faith in his abilities. No doubt he will keep me on my toes. He's the man for the job, no doubt about it.

Congress elections are coming up soon, and I think it's an issue you all want to know my stance on. I want to make it very clear that I refuse to let anyone fun for congress who isn't a member on the ANP forums. If you can't be bothered to make the odd post on your own party forum then clearly you're not committed enough to be a Senator. I'm not asking for anyone to sit in front of their PC for hours on end every day, but I don't think a few posts a week is an unreasonable request.

I must also insist that Senators serve their full terms. It should be an honour and privilege to represent your fellow countrymen in the Senate, and you have an obligation to your electorate and this party if elected. Now, there may be extenuating circumstances, but if you're thinking of taking up an active military career, please have the respect to wait until your term has ended.

Now that I've made that clear, I'd like to encourage everyone who is interested in running for congress to put their names forward. I have started a topic for that. Let me reiterate, if you're thinking of running for congress you must join the forums and you must indicate your desire to run in the appropriate forum topic - absolute minimum requirement.

Finally, I would like to thank you all for this opportunity. I'm very pleased to be the PP, and I will do my best. Don't hesitate to contact me one way or another if you have any thoughts, questions or criticisms. I'm happy to hear any ideas, and I don't think I take offense easily.

To all members who are not registered on the forums, I strongly suggest you do. Putting in your two cents every now and then, even if it's a couple of posts a month will make all the difference to party activity, and will make being a member of this party more enjoyable and fulfilling for all.

Our forums can be found here:

Again, thankyou.

Alte Altus
Party President, ANP