Department of Education Guide: How to join the military

Day 480, 15:10 Published in USA USA by Department of Citizen Affairs

Hello eUSA citizens! So you been reading all about how awesome “RWAR” is, and all its potential benefits to both you personally, and the eUSA in general.

So, you want a piece of the action? Here is your handy guide from the Department of Education to give you the basics of our Military and to figure out where you belong!

Our military is split into 3 different branches: the Marines, the Army, and the National Guard. Each of these 3 branches has separate requirements to join. Which one is right for you? Keep reading for a description of each branch, the aforementioned prerequisites, and enlistment links.

The eUSA National Guard

Requirements: Strength Level less than 4.

The National Guard is our most basic level of defense. They do not get sent overseas, and they do not receive weapons. They stay at home, and fight for the defense of offense as needed. This is where most citizens start out, and where Congressman serve while in office.

Enlist in the National Guard here:

The eUSA Army

Requirements: Strength of 4 or above, the ability to maintain at least 70 wellness, not a member of Congress.

The Army is the bulk of our military force, consisting of the bulk of our soldiers. They will be sent overseas from time-to-time, and receive weapons from the government. If you are a member of the National Guard, message your CO for a transfer and apply for the Army.

Enlist in the Army here:

The eUSA Marine Corps

Requirements: Strength of 7 or above, rank of at least Corporal or higher, cannot be a member of Congress or a Party President, must be very active in-game.

The Marines are the cream of the crop of our armed forces. The Marines include the almighty tanks, and generally deal a large portion of the damage in battle. Most “War Heroes” you’ll see are Marines. The Marines are given gold and weapons by the government to fight many times for huge amounts of damage. The Marines are deployed overseas to fight for allies and other operations.

Apply for the Marines here:

Special thanks to: Hari Michaelson and Ssomo for their help.