BREAKING NEWS: Foreign Takeover of Malaysia

Day 463, 16:12 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Ramos Sanchez

Fellow Malaysians,

Tonight I write to you all at our darkest hour. Our nation has been overrun by foreigners who have perverted the justice of "Democracy" to best fit their personal interests. An Indonesian citizen has organized a political coup d'état and gained control of the eMalaysian government through a fraudulent election. At this time the Indonesian government has not issued a claim of responsibility or denied its government was involved in illegally influencing congressional election results. The Coalition for Malaysia, Malasian National Party, and the People's Party of Malaysia all reject the validity of the Koalisi Malaysia's claims to the congress because of their corrupt ties to foreign governments.

The small nation of Malaysia asks its citizens and fellow citizens of the world not to despair at the news of the government's collapse. We also ask all citizens of the world to stand against this transgression against freedom. If the rightful government fails to be installed in Malaysia, then Democracy is defeated. Please support Malaysia's right to remain an independent and sovereign nation.

To the enemies of our nation and everything it represent: Our small nation will not fear a forceful confrontation, we will not surrender. Malaysia will remain an independent nation. Malaysia is freedom, Malaysia is opportunity, Malaysia is democracy, and Malaysia is the voice of the people. Even if we cease to be a nation by an official name, Malaysia will not be killed.

Edit: 1:30 AM 2/27/09 MST

Reaction from the Malaysian Patriot - "An over 100% turnout in yesterday's Malaysian Congressional elections confirmed the worst suspicions of the Malaysian people, that a foreign organization or government cheated the Malay people out of a fairly elected government. The leader of the victorious Koalisi Malaysia party would not respond to requests for comment on this story."
Amidst Speculation of Vast Conspiracy Koalisi Malaysia Loses More than 30% of its members in 24 hours

One day after what declaring victory in what many are calling a "rigged election" and "a bastardization of democracy", Koalisi Malaysia's membership has decreased to 37 members from a previous high of 53 during the previous day.

We will keep continue to update this story as more developments occur...