[ATLANTIS] Congratulations Israel!

Day 457, 04:15 Published in United Kingdom USA by Atlantis Central Treasury

Today is a great day. Sun has risen up over a new day for Israel, that in the late ours of the night saw its nation be born again. It was an honor to fight alongside the brave soldiers that were on the field last night. From the office in ATLANTIS headquarters we send Israel the best of wishes for the future.

Now remains the work of rebuilding the country and I’m sure they’ll find many friends all over our world willing to give them a helping hand with what they may need.

Although today is a day to celebrate greatly, the work is not done. There are still pending tasks for the days to come. Greece is still struggling with its fight at Thrace. We encourage every available soldier still in Turkey to support this movement. Even if it’s just for training (5 hits+hospital=100% wellness).

We also reminds every ATLANTIS soldier that we are on standby regarding the open war between Indonesia and India, as we are not going to sit and watch how they are wiped out of the map. We have all read PEACE GC official position regarding this in the article Clarifications and congratulations so we know Indonesia is not officially supported by its alliance. They take a wise step back on this as it obviously wouldn’t look to good on their record, right?

Making the story even shorter:


Pick a fight against Turkey in Thrace !!
Watch out for Indonesia!

Hope you all have a great day.

ATLANTIS Secretary General.