A Coalition of Interests

Day 453, 09:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Vyett Ynsydr

May I first show my support for my good friend Hoth in his Party President elections today. Here's hoping for a prosperous time for our party under such a promising person.

Our functions as a party should be to aggregate the demands of the country’s electorate, bringing their concerns, their wants and desires, their criticisms and questions to our country’s parliament; to conciliate the broad, competing groups in our society to stimulate debate and reform; we must provide capable staff for our government and apply ourselves as a co-coordinative vehicle between the executive and legislative branches of government. Our role in politics as a political party is to promote our country’s social stability through the absorption of tensions.

Our party is a collection of individuals, a coalition of interests. Humans are first and foremost endowed with a sense of reason. Our focus should be on the individual, rather than the party and as such, candidates should be encouraged to manage their own individual campaigns. The party should act as a source of voting analysis through the production of opinion polls since we are but an electoral machine, our purpose as a party is to have our candidates elected and our duty as candidates should be to represent the people who have elected us. We should imbue ourselves with a measure of pragmatism, we should not be tied down by our ideology as we must continually adapt to changing demands. We should do what is right regardless of our beliefs and we must be wary of schemes for a perfect society. We are a national party and must be concerned with national issues and as such, I would support the executive being reduced to the lowest possible level to allow us to focus on these national issues; a wide range of political groups should have influence in government policy and the power and responsibility of parliament needs be decentralized, to allow for the councils that work for the benefit of their peers to operate with almost singular autonomy.

A government which works in favour of the people is tolerable socialism. Present society has proven its value by the very fact that it exists in its current form. Politics in eUK has continued without my or our party’s influence, save from our past Party President’s role as leader of the Coalition of parties recently. Though our society has flourished without us, it is without us - the educated and the informed - that our politics becomes stagnant. It is thus our role as a political party to educate and inform the masses to our greatest ability. ‘Right’ is a function of time and not a product of present rationality, we should forsake the notion of revolution in favour of amelioration, the gradual implementation of our policies as a collective.

Private Enterprise, Nation, Family, Security
The Free Thinking Program
Vyett Ynsydr