Far Left Politics and Libertarianism

Day 443, 20:54 Published in Australia United Kingdom by taytaz

For many, images of the far left bring to mind the horrors of the latter part of the USSR, the totalitarian regimes seen in China, and the indiscriminate killing in South America. In fact, it is not uncommon for the average person to form a unfavourable opinion of this type of politics from these experiences, however, this does not have to be the case. Usually, a person is classified using a compass, with left and right indicating economic/social stance (government industry vs. Private Industry) and the Up-Down axis representing their personal Social beleifs regarding civil and individual liberties.

When we comprehend this, we can see that most dictators are obviously very Totalitarian. Hitler was a far-right wing totalitarian, with Stalin his Left-Wing counterpart, not opposite. Both manifestations of totalitarianism often let their beleifs and view be clouded by cruelties involving and over-bearing military, secret police and in the end, corruption.

When we investigate different forms of far-left politics, we see that an authoritarian approach is not the only option. In fact, the left wing is famed for its movements for liberty from the French Revolution, to the Feminist Movement even to the peaceful Indian Independence movement. Far-Left politics, then, by definition, can be libertarian.

A pure Marxist will advocate to you something more like anarchism, which is very hard to achieve in modern society, as not everybody will always do exactly as they are meant to. Using the analogy of a school, not every pupil is always on time, so many schools have guards/sergeants/supervisers to ensure order.

This is much like the type of politics many Far-Left supporters would advocate, somewhere in between the total reliance on goodness of anarchy, but well away from the Totalitarian and violent regimes elsewhere. One of the main aims of Communism is a 'liberation' of sorts, liberating those less fortunate from the shackles of society, and promoting equality. I beleive, that if handled appropriately, such a system would significantly raise the average quality of life, and look beyond individual profit.

So, watch this space in the near future for new announcements about the development of the Communist Movement in Australia.