Admins please, fix the game!

Day 425, 08:42 Published in Spain Spain by e-garenc
eRepublik, the new World... or eRepublik, the bug World.

In this game there are too many bugs. We can't play it. There are bugs for money, parties, elections, wars, companies...

There are people who want to play this game because we like it. But lately it becomes terrible. People make gold appear from nothing. People change parties names, forums... People don't play eR like a politic simulator, they can't. People don't play eR like an economic simulator, they can't (there are people who get gold from nothing). People only can fight in the wars but they are full of bugs. WE CANNOT DO NOTHING WITHOUT BUGS.

But it's not the only thing that makes eR a terrible game. There are too much cheats. People who make multiaccounts are killing the game. Perhaps in eR were born every day a lot of people. But if they are multiaccounts they are killing the game. People who aren't cheats are leaving the game every day.

Please fix the game!

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