Yorkshire and humberside Congress Candidate

Day 424, 07:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Count Drakula

Hello to all the Yorkshire and Humberside citizens.

I am going for congress next term. This is my second manifesto so some of the comments won't make sense.

My polices include:

State Company:

I would really like this.Anyone who's on the forums and are in yorkshire and humberside can vote and I hope that it will work as a helpline for our region. I plan on setting up a company for the whole of yorkshire and humberside. Later on I plan on adding another thread to decide on the quality level of it. Even if the majority apposes it people for it people can still make one and I will help it..

If I am voted in I will work with the current NHS director The Eco State to supply gifts to everyone signing on the forums or using his newspaper as a list of people that he can supply to, if thats okay with him, for the people who haven't signed up yet.

Including YOU:
If, during my term, any laws would like to be passed I will first write them in my newspaper and people in yorkshire and humberside can comment on it. I will also put a poll on the forums and if the people would like it then I will raise it in congress.

Gifting/ giving out foo😛
As DIsh has mentioned I am allowed 200GBP from the BoE to spend on what I want. I will run polls on how people want to use it, this money will be for everyone. I will also incorparate the 75GBP ( govement pay) into this budget and most of the money I earn already.

Regional Flag:

Another thing Dish has mentioned would be a regional flag. If I am voted in some of the money I will get will be on a competition on a flag. I hope that people will be as creative and imaganative as they want.

I am a active person in the forums and have been around for two months so I know how the game works and what to do in situations.

My motto:
I do not go for Congress because I can.
I do not go for Congress for money.
I go for Congress for the people.

Count Drakula, The Peoples Congressman.