Why public spending does not stimulate the economy

Day 422, 03:17 Published in USA USA by Tyrsis

A common misconception is that increases in government spending will stimulate the economy. The logic offered to support this argument often describes how government spending will end up being paid as income to either business owners or workers, who will then spend a portion of that extra income, which will then become somebody else's income and so on, causing the money to cycle through the economy, and create a multiplier effect and hence creating wealth and stimulating the economy. There is nothing wrong with this logic, but it doesn't quite justify public spending.

It's easy to see the multiplier effect in action as the government injects dollars into an economy. Our companies will make more sales, which encourages higher production schedules, encouraging employers to create more jobs. As a result, there will be higher levels of GDP and lower levels of unemployment. So what is there to complain about? There are hidden costs. Consider: where did that money come from?

It came from taxpayers. Taxpayers who would have used the money according to their own preferences and needs, directing the market to produce the goods and services that are the highest priority to these taxpayers. Additionally, these private spending patterns would cycle through the economy, like with government spending, creating the same benefits that government spending would. The difference, however, is that the economic activity spurred by private spending will signal the market to produce the goods and services that people actually need, rather than on what the government spends on behalf of the people.

Think about two possible ways that money can be spent:

1. Your money can be spent on yourself.
2. Someone else's money can be spent on someone else.

The first option is like most typical private spending habits. You spend your own money on yourself. Since you are spending your own money, you take care of how much you spend, keeping consideration of your limited resources. Additionally, since you are spending the money on yourself, you make sure you get goods and services that are important to you. Overall, this type of spending prevents waste, and guides the market to produce the goods and services that are important to society.

The second option is like most government expenditures. Someone else's money is being used on someone else. It's not your money (mainly), so you don't really care about how much you spend, and it's not being spent on you (mainly), so you don't really care what it's spent on either. This type of spending encourages waste, and haphazardly directs the market to produce goods and services that may not be beneficial to society.

So when government spends, it forgoes the opportunity of the far more efficient type of spending: private spending. Government spending joins the list of the many other "beneficial" programs where government intervenes, and unlocks steep hidden costs as an unintended consequence. It's not easy to envision the loss of government spending, as it improves GDP and lowers unemployment. However, private spending does it better, and by spending through the public treasury, we sacrifice the better option.

Tyrsis is a head professor of the economics department at the North American University.

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