Foul play in Russia's elections

Day 414, 15:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by CV James

As many of you now know, Russia has been conquered by Romania.

But it is clear Romania's plan would not have succeeded but for their candidate winning the elections in Russia in a mysterious and highly suspicious bug.

Now I would hate to accuse our dear admins of any wrong doing, but we know they somewhat favour Romania to say the least. The fact of the matter is, 5 minutes INTO election day, "Fair Russia", the Romanian party in Russia put up a candidate who subsequently won the elections thanks to the "support" of 150 Romanian soldiers who moved to Russia, and declared a retreat in all of Russia's battlefields, allowing Romania to conquer and annex all of Russia's territory it had only just won back in an independence war from Norway.

In an article by the Romanian foreign minister, he describes their plans for resource-rich Western Siberia:

"We will install a Q5 Defence System and a Q5 Hospital in the Western Siberian region, which we have in stock for way before this campaign ever started. It will be our third full-Q5 region, which we intend to keep indefinitely. Our troops will remain stationed in the Western Siberian region until we have moved enough population in oder to make the wall safe enough."

It is unclear what will happen to Russia, whether independence for the rest of her regions will be secured, but all this latest controversey in eRepublik has shown is that more and more citizens are becoming sick and tired of these so called "bugs" that seem to appear out of nowhere and conveniently advantage certain nations.

For more information on the electoral fraud in Russia, read this article.