Greets to People of Pakistan

Day 409, 23:23 Published in Pakistan Indonesia by n3m0

Dear my dearest friend.
Let me introduce myself, I am n3m0 friend of Dio, Agentchieftain, Tricho and some players of Pakistan. I moved here just to find a place for me to relax and enjoy the land of sand.
Pakistan for me is the representative the joy of Beta, the last fort of happiness where we as players give something different in the forum, an existence of fight against the the cruel hand of "you know who" who rarely listen to us and prefer to loosing lots of players then taking care of us.

I cant promise you anything, I will examine the condition of Pakistan and how I can contribute with current situation. I do hope that we can kick Pakistan alive again.

Just it for now, but first.. I need help from you all.. please make a comment and vote in this article so i will know how many people who still alive here.
