The Nationalist Party - New Years' Edition

Day 408, 18:18 Published in USA USA by Nathan Woods

Four days and...30 more days ago...the Nationalist...Ramrod...Whatever...We were born.
And guess what?

Number of members - 100
Age of party - 34 days
Rank of party (USA) - 6th
Amount of members until 5th (USA) - 105
Rank of Party (World) - 52nd ((Tied))
Amount of members until 50th (World) - 2
Amount of members until 25th (World) - 105
Amount of members until 10th (World) - 206
Amount of members until 1st (World) - 680

Percent of win - 137% (1st Place)

Number of ex-Congressman - 4
Current number of Congressman - 0

Number of Wimminz - 7
Number of 150+ subscribed member papers - 2

The New Nationalist Party logo (As seen above.) -
Eagle - Stands for the United States patriotism
NP - Nationalist Party (Duh!)
Olive Branch - Good-will, ability to make correct decisions. (The ancient Greeks used it as a symbol for good-will.)
Scales - Justice.
Hexagon - Six basic principles of the NP
Clouds - Win.

6 Basic Principles of the Nationalist Party

Citizen Involvement
Military Strength
Transparency in Government
Free Market Capitalism

New forums (Thanks Ben C!!) -
They just got finished around a hour ago. So, I'm putting new boards, etc., on it. Be patient. 🙂

Not bad for one month, eh?