Bye bye Romanians!

Day 390, 08:39 Published in Austria Hungary by Azoo Lazzo
[ENG] Everybody in eAustria know how much problems we had when Romanians were came in our country. First of all, they have stolen much money from our Bank, then they have won more then 50% places in our Congress. They have proposed many stupid proposals in Congress, just to crash our economy, take our money and gold, and occupy Austria on easy way, and with occupied Austria, find easy way to fight with Italians. But, with the power of Austrians and Serbs, they are now destroyed.

Look at their profiles, there is a text: Permanently banned! Look at the profiles of: dontaco, khazimir, sherezada, scout and others. Admins have banned them because of multi accounts. They are now banned, and Austrians, Serbs and other nations in eAustria can now breathe easier, because we now know that they can't do the same thing before and after next elections. Finally we have prove that they have cheated, and made multi accounts...

[SRB] Svako u eAustriji zna koliko smo problema imali sa Rumunima koji su dosli u nasu zemlju. Pre svega, ukrali su mnogo novca iz nase banke, a onda su osvojili vise od 50% mesta u Congressu. Predlozili su mnogo cudnih predloga u Parlamentu, samo da bi unistili ekonomiju, uzeli novac i zlato i okupirali eAustriju na laksi nacin, i sa okupiranom Austrijom, nasli laksi put za borbu protiv Italijana. Ali, sa borbom Austrijanaca i Srba protiv njih, oni su sada unisteni.

Pogledajte njihove profile, stoji tekst: Permanently banned! Pogledajte profile o😛 dontaco, khazimir, sherezada, scout i ostalih. Admini su ih banovali zbog multi accounta. Oni su sada banovani, i Austrijanci, Srbi i ostale nacije u eAustriji sada mogu mnogo lakse disati, jer sada znamo da Rumuni ne mogu uraditi istu stvar pre i posle sledecih izbora. Konacno smo dokazali da su varali, i pravili multi accounte...