The Nationalist Party

Day 375, 19:36 Published in USA USA by Nathan Woods

For those of you who don't know, Team Ramrod has been changed to the Nationalist Party. Now before I show off our new improved manifesto, I'd like to address some issues. Recently our party has been called Jingoist, Fascist, as well as attacking other parties. Jingoism is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as "extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy". In practice, it refers to the advocation of the use of threats of or actual force against other countries in order to safeguard what they perceive as their country's national interests, and colloquially to excessive bias in judging one's own country as superior to others. I'm not sure how attacking nations that have attacked us or our allies is considered extreme or aggressive, and the only "threats" I've seen, have been threats to William Shafer. Apparently not everyone enjoys his point of view, and then believes it is okay to send death threats. Classy, hm? Fascism is an authoritarian or totalitarian nationalist ideology that seeks to form a highly-centralized autocratic, a form of government in which the political power is held by a single self-appointed ruler, single-party state led by a dictator. We do not support a single party with a dictator. We support a democratically ran government, with many elected officials. We have never attacked any party. It may be true we dis-like like USWP because quite a few of them are zombies who just follow brainlessly, something we work against. They have lost their luster. We are not the only people who think they are zombies. As a UCP member said, "this message is backed by America against zombies." However, I have seen a few good USWP members, such as Leroy Combs, and GoBucks, best of luck to both of them restoring class to the USWP, they will need it.
Now that all of that is out of the way, on to more important things. The Nationalist Party is the fastest growing party out there, being the new up and coming party. After a mere 4 days of existence, we have already grown to 22 members! We have started a party forum. We have started a active IRC channel. We have created a new logo. We have made a manifesto, and made it again. So finally here it is, our new manifesto:

The Nationalist Party Manifesto

Mission Statement: We believe in making the United States the greatest place to live in the world. Providing a strong army, and supporting them. Taking care of the working man, and equal opportunity for all people.

Section A: Military Stances
Article I: War
The Military of the United States shall be the greatest force in the world. We believe that if you work against the military, you work against America. We fully support all troops in war, unless we feel the war is for a bad cause, such as invading an innocent nation. However, we support the idea of conquering regions of enemy nations if the nation has made actions against the US or her allies.

Article II: Funding
We will always work to fund and supply our troops. We will always work to keep military men and women healthy and outfitted with the very best gear.

Article III: MPPs
We will never support MPPs with enemy countries. We would consider making MPPs with new growing nations for a short period of time to protect them. Any MPPs with ally nations would not be questioned, assuming the ally is a trustworthy one.

Article IV: Independence Wars
If the nation starting the war is allies of the US or want to be we will unconditionally support them.

Section B: Taxes
Article I: Citizens
The Nationalist Party follows a fair-tax system where all citizens pay the same tax rate and all businesses pay the same tax rate. For example if a citizen makes 5 USD, and a owner make 100 USD a day, the 5 would pay 10%, .5 USD, and the 100 USD would pay 10% as well, 10 USD.

Article II: Businesses
We believe the working man and all loyal businesses owners(big and small) should get occasional tax incentives, such as some extra cash to pay more employees, or extra gold to create another company. Such as creating a company where once every two months citizens can be given money by a government based organization, so long as they ask for it, and are under the experience of 2 months.

Article III: Imports
Import taxes will be based on the demand on each product. If there becomes a need for food for example, imports will be lowered. If there is a over production, import taxes will rise to allow our own companies to sell their stock.

Article I: Citizens
We believe all US Citizens have the right to own businesses, speak freely, carry and own weapons, practice a faith of their choosing or even no faith at all. Citizens have the right to hear the full truth, and they have a right to be equal within their government.
Article II: Politicians
Politicians, we believe, have the obligation to represent the best interests of their country. The people must be represented, but the needs of the country must come before the wants of the people. The first job of all politicians is to work for the safety of the people in America. Politicians, ultimately, are servants to the nation and her security.

Article III: Businesses
Businesses have an obligation to the economy: To hire citizens to work and produce for our economy. However, businesses do have rights. A business may endorse a politician, if they so wish. Businesses may NOT force their citizens to vote a certain way. Businesses may run freely and openly; any consequences from a political action comes at the risk of the business owner.
Article IV: Military
Soldiers, Marines, and Guardsmen and women have the same rights as any citizen, though all soldiers must do battle for their nation when requested. All personnel must answer roll-call and deployment orders, or they will face dishonorable discharge.

Actions: We consider actions a sort of agression towards a allied country. Say if Indonesia declared war on Argentina, we would support attacking them because they have threatened our allies. A clearer version would be "a clear and present danger" toward any allies or the United States.

I would have wrote this on our party org, however the admins haven't got around to changing its name yet. Anyway -

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