6th Birthday of Mine - Dead Walker

Day 2,369, 00:04 Published in Argentina Iran by A.X.E

English Version
Hey guyz
Today is my 6th birthday in this game. From what I see admin doing, I think the game will end up with a dramatic end and it might be my last birthday. So I wrote this to share feelings with u guyz
These pics are from different version of the game. They do not only represent how the game developed but each one reminds our stories in different periods; Stupidity, cleverness, success & failure. Hope your good memories be more than the bad ones 😁

This pic is the first page I saw in the game (Beta Version home page). I remember it well since you couldn’t sign up unless you had an invitation from some one

This one brings me two memories
1- The first cheating trick I learnt in the game which I never used xD. You see the latest update section? At that time when you did a single thing under the latest update its notification would be visible to others. Clearly you couldn`t have a lot of donation from different fake accounts. So what cheaters used to do, is buying a newspaper and then change the name of newspaper. Since this section covered a few parts only, the donation would be disappeared. First Cheating Method in game hahaha
2- Look at the Pakistan population. For those who join late in the game can you believe once Pakistan was the strongest country in the game? Even they made a religion for themselves; Diosm

I remembered well this version. Well it was the start of my account being a tank. Before this version I was poor like the majority of players. But when the gift and food updates (That you can use them several times a day) implemented, with forecasting the economic situation and of course great market of mother Russia I managed to get my first Q5 companies. At that time very few people had that wealth
And not forget to mention that salaries were up to 2 golds for those who had high working skills. Not like this version 0.2 gold at best situation for every one.

I should say this version was the beginning of eRep going down. You see you had to pay lots of gold for working and training. At this point Admin`s greed starting to grow. more and more people start leaving the game. I remember well at that time the normal top international articles used to have like 2k votes. But now if some articles get 500 votes it should be very very special article.

This is the fighting module of that time. It was very time consuming. You had to spend a lot of times for fighting. But it was great. You had to have strategic mind in order to be successful.

And finally this one is the last picture. This is the beginning of the current version. The major change was that you can work in your own companies. Since then the market start getting crazy and crazy. And every one start getting rich such that these day everyone has several Q7 companies. The bots start working to get rid of extra products in the market and the economic ruined 🙁
It was fun to remember the old stories. Wasn`t it? Finally for thanking you reading this article and because of my birthday I like to share some energy with those who put a comment below. Since I am very busy these days I will donate all of them at the end of the day at once

نسخه ی فارسی
امروز روز بزرگیه. 6 مین تولید ارپابلیکی مرتضی خان هه :دی. دیگه فکر نکنم قدیمی تر از من کسی دووم اورده باشه اینجا. حداقل کسی نیست که اکانتش قدیمی تر از من باشه و خودش صاحب اولیه اکانت باشه
تو این 5 سال و اندی (چند ماه اکانت ام مرده بود) دوران خیلی متفاوتی داشتم. اوایل که سرم تو کار خودم بود و اقتصادی کار می کردم تا دورانی که رفتیم تو سیاست و تا نماینده ایران شدن پیش تیم مدیریتی بازی.اخراش هم که حدود یه سالی میشه سرم تو کار خودم بوده و به زندگی واقعیم می رسیدم
تو دورانی که داشتم همیشه تمام سعی مو کردم که ایران پیشرفت کنه. نتایج مثبتی هم داد بعضی از کارام ولی همونطور که برداشتن تحریم ها از ایران واقعی برخلاف منافع برخی از اقایون هست پیشرفت کردن ایران مجازی هم برخلاف منافع برخی هاست.
شرایط هم تا جایی پیش رفت که گفتیم اقایون با منافع شون و ایران شون مال خودشون. ما هم بریم جزو دهها کسی که برای خودشون بازی میکنه
تو متن انگلیسی یه سری خاطره عکس ورژن های پیشین بازی رو گذاشتم. دیگه نیازی نیست که ترجمشو بذارم.خودتون اوستا هستین عکس ها رو ببینین کلی خاطره می یاد جلو چشاتون :دی
به خارجی ها یه خورده فود میدم ولی با هموطن های خودت که نمی تونی خسیسی باشی :دی
شیرینی های منم همیشه معروفه. به مناسبت شش ساله شدن اکانتم هر کی کامنت بذاره 6 تا تانک کیو هفت و 666 تا انرژی می گیره
از اونجایی که سرم شلوغه یه خورده اخر روز شیرینی همه رو یه جا می دم
در اخر هم این عکسو به افتخار پیتر دینکلیج می ذارم که این اپیزود حسابی ترکوند. ماها هم سعی کنیم دراخر روز جز کسایی نباشیم که بی توجه به تمام کارایی که تیریون براشون کرد یه جا نشستن و بهش خندیدن
: P