President Elections

Day 350, 05:42 Published in Austria Italy by Danny Boodmann T. D. Lemon Nov

It's been a long month here in ERepublik.
A big event took place in these days: we passed from Beta Version to V1, as you all know. Our President Aanok Tourmil worked hard for the good of the nation being the first Austrian President with the new version and had a lot of problems to solve and new features to set.

Now he decided to rest a bit and asked me to take his place. I'm felling very lucky and honoured.

I don't know if everybody knows me: this last month I've worked, let's say, in the darkness; I mean, nothing illegal, simply I had time just to do my works (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Education and Bank of Austria Governor) and didn't have time to post articles or simply answer to newspapers and rarely I posted in the Austrian Congress forum. But now Aanok and me are going to swap roles. This just to say that I'm not new or from God only knows where, and that Aanok isn't going to leave us. But lets get to the important things.

Basically, I'm going to keep administrating Austria like my AIM predecessors, Aanok and mappina. This will be the ministers:
-Minister of Foreign Affairs: keeps in touch with other countries and informs the President of news from other countries;
-Minister of Education: manages the four public companies (H1-4 Health Care Centers, Glok, Strategic Defense Initiative) [Aanok Tourmill];
-Governor of the Bank of Austria: administrates the Bank of Austria taking notes of loans et cetera [Aanok Tourmill];
-Minister of Propaganda: it's new; he will keep updated the wiki pages of the Country, Congressman, Parties, Companies and important things here in Austria;
-Defense Minister: will keep note and organize the army [mappina?];
-Minister of Economy: controls everything concerning economy, from proposing a new minimum wage on the base of the going of the market, to import taxes;
-Minister of Welfare: distributes gifts to the less "lucky" citizens [mappina]

What we want to do new this month is trying to have a more active Congress and have the best ministers out country can have. That's why we are going to give some Departments (3;4;5) to players of other parties who proved trustworthy.

In the end, I wanted to compliment myself with Aanok for the work he has done this month and I wanted to thank you all for your support.

Danny Boodmann T. D. Lemon Novecento, Austrian International Movement presidential candidate