V1: Let the Revolution begin

Day 329, 05:33 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Raxo
Version 1: The Revolution
Seems that peaceful talks didn't go well. I've just gotten back from doing some climbing and have been reading up on the results of the summit. I'm disappointed an agreement couldn't be reached and it seems now an uprising supported by alot of big players in the International community is inevitible. Can't say I'm not eager to get started. I may not have great strength, equipment or it seems trivia knowledge to be the "Hero" of this upcoming war though like many new Australians I will be fighting twice as hard. Australians have it all to gain and nothing to lose. So with the help of the United Kingdom and her allies we shall be a country once again. 
For me now all that is left to do is buy some good guns, Save my Gold and wait for my orders to free our first region. Australians will no longer be treated as second class citizens. Australians will finially have a place to enjoy the game. Australians will finally have a place to call home.
Au Revoir Indonesia.