October Ministers

Day 321, 06:22 Published in Austria Austria by Aanok Tourmil

We have finally got to some conclusions, and here is the almost-yet-not-quite-definitive list of this month's Ministers:

- Minister of Defense: Andak AIM
- Army General: Mappina
- Minister of Economics: Spincycal AF
- Minister of Foreign Affairs: Danny Boodmann T. D. Lemon Novecento AIM
- Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs: Q J Lincoln NSK
- PEACE Council Ambassador: Mappina
- Minister of Education: Danny Boodmann T. D. Lemon Novecento AIM
- National bank governor: Danny Boodmann T. D. Lemon Novecento AIM
- Minister of Welfare: Dontaco AF

The Department of Justice will be kept offline till further developments with V1.

And we're still lacking a Minister of Welfare. So, if anybody wants to have a role in the eAustrian Government, post here or PM me and we'll surely arrange something.

In the meantime, let's say good luck to these good citizens whose shoulders the health of our Country will rely on!

UPDATE: We found a Minister of Welfare. Congratulations to Dontaco!