Formal complaint to the Supreme Court

Day 290, 05:35 Published in Canada Canada by Michel Junior

Since Cottus sold the Goverment Q3 weapon company after being elected without consulting this with his cabinet or getting this action being voted by congress there have been many question raise on this with little answer provided to the public. Now on the eCanada forum this discution has been going no where because the same extract of the constitution could be interpretaded in two different ways and the language was starting to deterioate.

We have a Supreme court who job is to rule on situation exactly like this.And someone said the the mayors didn't have any real power.

I would like to fill a formal complaint to the supreme court to juge if Cottus Arci acted in accordance with the Contitution like he claim or againts like some of us believe.

This is the only way we can put this issued to rest and Cottus can go back to ruling with the full confindance of eCanadian.

Extract from the constitution
into Supreme Court: The Supreme Court of Canada shall be defined as the
judicators of the law and guardians of the Constitution. The Supreme
Court is to consist of the mayors of each province, and shall hear and
render judgment upon issues between in differing areas of the country,
matters referred to them by the Speaker of the House of Commons,
Matters referred to them by the President, matters of appeal, and
constitutional amendments passed by Parliament and the Presidency. In
all matters but that of Constitutional amendments, a simple majority of
votes is needed from no less than mayors in total to be declared valid
and lawful. In the event of a Constitutional Amendment, such a bill
requires the consent of 50% +1 of all members in order to pass.

eCanada has tool to work this out and not using them serve no one.