The Kennedy Doctrine

Day 288, 18:40 Published in USA USA by Lowell Kennedy

This doctrine is about a tradition of discourse—political philosophy. In it I shall attempt to discuss the general character of eRepublik, the varying concerns of those who have helped to build it, the changes that have occurred during its development. These intentions naturally induce the expectation that the discussion will begin with a definition of political philosophy. To attempt to satisfy this expectation would be fruitless because political philosophy does not exist as an object with definitive features.

We are a summation of our experiences and influences. To exclude those factors would undermine the attempt to establish a political philosophy regarding eRepublik. Theorists like Karl Marx, Adam Smith, and Michel Foucault exist as real life influences. I do not attempt to depart from their tradition but to translate it to the parallel universe that exists in eRepublik.

With these initial explanations and disclosures, I hereunto establish the Kennedy Doctrine as follows:

First, war is good. War is a natural stimulant for all aspects of eRepublik, from the political to the economic. It increases the native activity within eRepublik, fosters eNationalism, and creates needs within the marketplace. Replacing the destructive nature of real-life war (i.e. death and destroyed infrastructure), war in eRepublik only features a reductive nature (i.e. wellness and production decreases). As a result, the outcomes of war are less serious and can be recovered from.

Second, neutrality is also good. In order to benefit from war does not require one or one’s nation to fight in it. A network of entanglements prevents optimal economic outputs. The establishment of temporary trading agreements between those nations at war and neutral nations allows for economic success for the neutral power and reduced war costs for the warring nation.

Third, the gulf between different classes of citizens is problematic. Although it is reflective of real life, those of the upper class yield vast control of the sources of power. There are positive and negative aspects to eRepublik because of it. The upper class tends to be more engaged in the politics and economics of the world leading to a better experience. However, this limits the opportunities for newer citizens to become involved. The limits can cause stagnation and prevent the growth of countries. New citizens can and probably will reject eRepublik if no opportunities exist for them to advance.

Fourth, the power should be with the experienced citizens. The preceding point supersedes this point because opportunities should exist for those who want to pursue them. In the process, those that pursue opportunities become experienced and ready to lead. A deep understanding of one’s region, nation, and the world at-large should be a prerequisite to any political office. Able men and women should lead their countries based on experience and not just popularity or party.

Fifth, adherence to real life allegiances is harmful. Politically, many adhere to their real life affiliations; these may not reflect your interests in eRepublik. Additionally, citizenship in any country is your choice. Your allegiance is to the eNation, not to the real life place.

Sixth, pursuit of local trade is necessary. The idea of wealth maintenance is especially important for smaller countries. Trade deficits reflect transference of wealth. If a country can maintain its wealth, it has the chance to invest in itself and grow.

Seventh, developed countries (i.e. the top dozen ranked states) should pursue trade agreements. It is beneficial to the newer and lower status citizens to have a reduction in costs. It also reduces the wealth acquisition of the profiting general managers in favor of reducing costs for the lower status citizens. Trade agreements like this should help to reduce the schism between the rich and poor of a nation.

In conclusion, this political philosophy encompasses an eRepublik worldview. I welcome any others that share some, part, or all of this philosophy. I encourage discussion to further this philosophy. Kennedyism is far from perfect right now, but in it I hope there is the groundwork for political philosophy for all eRepublikans.

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