Election Day Concludes

Day 287, 01:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

After an extremely tight-run race, KIA Sneak has pulled ahead to become President of the eUK for 3rd month running. Dishmcds was a close second, only losing by four votes after he began as the leader.

Despite losing the Presidential race, both the UKRP and TUP have had a resurgence in congress. The UKRP gained 12 seats, only 2 seats less than PCP, while TUP gained a further 6 seats, which is double than that which they gained this time last month.

Although voter turnout was still relatively low, with 25% of the population voting, the activity within the eUK National forums has soared. New members who only joined last month have already achieved the status of congressmen, notables being the promising Rayf Drayson of the UKRP and Squiddy of TUP.

This is surely a good day for eUK politics.

Final Election Results:

Candidate Votes

KIA Sneak: 141 votes
Dishmcds: 136
Alain Bates: 49
CreveRoelan😛 16
Drakoniukas: 15


Peoples Communist Party: 116
UK Reform: 107
The Unity Party: 58
United Belgian Party: 32
LT-Unite😛 29