Danes, Germans, Poles- Lay Down Your Arms!

Day 282, 17:52 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

I've seen the recent articles. I am not blind. I am offended (as I inevitably am) that the Swede thinks we occupied people will fight for their cause. Their ridiculous expansionism.

No comrades, we must not listen to them. If you truly must fight, then move to the defending country (of course it's the defending country, Sweden is the most ridiculously brutal country out there.)

Anyways national elections are coming up. This time depresses me as usual because it's truly and utterly boring. I hope for a break of the monopoly of the FBS (Fuldstændige Bizare Svenskere)(oh yeah clever) party. In this note I would like to suggest a change in policy from our former election strategy. That was to either not vote at all, or vote for Purjoløk in the hopes that they would inevitably destroy Sweden.

Now I recommend and endorse the Militant Socialist Labor Party (MSAP). They are the largest party that supports the independence of the minorities (or at least of Denmark, which of course is what I care about most.) That is if we are not big enough ourselves for a chance to get some seats. Which I seriously doubt. (And they wonder why we don't like it here and *still* don't like it here.)

Oh and holla to Flammbar, hey man when you gonna let us go? You used to be cool, now I'm not so convinced. Send me a PM so we can discuss some things. (as if you didn't have enough to do...)

I wish to signal an attempt on my part to become more active. In that note I would also appreciate it if there are any Danes left, that they too would start writing articles. We lost our country in April, but my God we are still not gonna let the issue drop. Denmark Rules Sweden Drools!