Announcing my candidacy for the leadership of Peace and Good Life

Day 80, 00:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by Suspended

You read correct, I am officially running for the leader of Ireland's number one political party. I'm no good at sensationalism, so I'll just get right to it and tell you what I hope to accomplish.

First, it is my belief that the party needs an overhaul. Be honest here, how many of you joined because it was the biggest party? Even though PGL contains the most active and influential Irish citizens, I would like to revitalize the party with a new name and platform.

I will encourage active participation from everyone and ensure that all members are informed about any issue. Everyone will be involved in the overhaul of the party, for example. This will be a purely democratic party.

As your leader I will campaign for the presidency and hopefully get elected. As president these are the things I will try to accomplish.

Economy: I hope to achieve a balance between the interests of consumers and the welfare of Ireland's businesses. There will be a free market but it will be monitored and prevented from greatly harming domestic business or Ireland as a whole. Foriegn competition will be locked out if we have sufficient competition at home, to prevent large foreign companies from putting our small ones out of business. If we need foreign product, it will come from fair, bilateral trade deals, and dumping will be taken very seriously. New businesses when needed will be encouraged, and loans will be given out if the citizen cannot afford one. Subsidies will be given to struggling sectors. The official bank of Ireland will continue buying foreign currency to help exporters.

Taxes: Income taxes will be abolished, because in erepublik the poor are taxed as much as the rich, and this is wrong. Instead there will continue to be VAT taxes, ie. taxes on consumption, which tax the rich a greater amount. Import taxes will be adjusted as needed.

Politics: My government will be a government of the people. To borrow from Woodrow Wilson, there will be no secret talks involving Ireland. All information about foreign affairs will be public. I will get as many citizens as possible involved in the government. It's not much fun to log onto erepublik and click twice every day. More information will be revealed later but I hope to set up many government institutions that keep the game fun, get people involved, and ultimately attract and keep citizens.

Military: Again, I hope to find a balance. This time between a peaceful nation and an aggressive one. I hope to expand Ireland but we will not be a war mongering nation. Alliances will be upheld but chosen very carefully. Strategic nations will be chosen as allies, and too many mutual protection pacts will be avoided. We will not get sucked into a war that we do not want a part of. Expansion will be emphasized but targets chosen carefully. The game is about changing history. So let's change it.

Overhaul, I hope to create a strong economy that supports domestic industry, get everyone involved in government and it's decisions, and create a militarily strong Ireland.

Finally, I am usually modest, but here is what I have done if you want to know more about me. I have been working on the Irish constitution seen here: Right now I am in contact with Platonic to revise it. I have been dedicated to providing cheap quality 1 food to Ireland and my company helped Ireland get out of the food crisis. I got BAPS involved in the game. And I have advised patton on various, mostly economic, issues.

tl;dr version: Vote for me in two days.