Presidential Executive Order: A Boycott of illicit industries.

Day 202, 19:40 Published in Canada Canada by Adam Sutler

Greetings my fellow Canadians,

Unfortunatelly, it looks as though the scourge of multi-accounting has reached Canada's shores. Thanks to the investigative talents of Tony Stark and Banach, we can plainly see that one of our newest citizens, Dr. Jaytlez is a flagrant multi-accounter. Within two days, this apparent cheater has already secured 2 Canadian companies through allegedly illicit means.

Given the Admin's slow response to issues such as this, I feel it is time to take action here at home. I am issuing an Executive Order as the President of Canada, calling for a boycott by workers and consumers alike of all business dealings with Dr Jaytlez' industries: the "Pizza Pizza" food company, and the "Trigger Weapons" company. I ask that all Canadians refrain from seeking employment with these, and any future companies started by Dr Jaytlez or his ilk. To Canadian consumers, I ask that you boycott any and all products produced by these companies, and refrain from purchasing the spoils this poisoned tree. To GM's I ask that you similarly refrain from puchasing any monetary offers placed by this man of a thousand faces.

Let us come together, Canada, and send a message to these Multi-Accounters that we will not tolerate their ilk here!

Strength through Unity, Unity Through Faith!

- Adam Sutler
President of Canada
Leader of the Norsefire Party of Canada
Minister of Constitutional Affairs
Mayor of Charlottetown

England Prevails!