3 Quick Tips: How To Pick The Right Job

Day 1,863, 16:42 Published in USA USA by Jah Tafari
How to pick the right job and one painfully obvious tip on maintaining your employees

I have seen many new companies pop up and disappear rather quickly and I think I know why. Many new managers set the salary for their workers as the most in the area without thinking about the fact that they cant afford to pay 3 workers $25 a day to make one or two star food and weapons that sell for less than ten cents a unit. Then once they go bankrupt they either leave the game or try to sell their company to recoup any losses. This leaves the manager and his workers out of a job and everyone moves on to the next top paying company.

So heres three quick tips to remember

1. When looking for a job, dont pick the highest payed salary. Most of the time youll be out of a job in a week.
2. Know your boss. Take time to talk to him or her and check out their party affiliations. You dont want to support your enemy!
3. Managers, set your employees salary to maximize your profits. You need to be profitable or you wont last long. (in regards to keeping employees)