Greece in 21 shots

Day 6,023, 09:18 Published in France France by Petauriscle

20 shots to resume a travel in Greece, and a 21th one with mastiha 😃
Some photos may be long to load due to high res usage 🙂

Athens, very old stones

Athens, new stones

Athens, very old stones with no people

Athens, very old stones with people

Athens, old stones again

Athens, one people made of very old stones

Santorini Island

Santorini no name beach

If someone give me the name of this bird I give him 10K CC
Answer given by Cosmic TurtIe

No game this time just marauding

Santorini Panoramic

Santorini Mills

Santorini the end of the road ?


Meteoras Monastery, first to give me his name wins 10K CC
Find by KA ZETRO

Inside Meteoras monastery

Inside Meteoras monastery 2

Someone made of old stone @ olympia

A lot of cats in Greece so one of them desserve a place here 🙂

First to tell in comment to which deity is dedicated this temple wins 10K CC.
Find by chris jonadicus

Votes, comments, endorses, subs appreciated