Upgrade Time: eRepublik's Quality Boost for Houses and Aircraft Weapons

Day 5,809, 22:49 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by beebeam
Upgrade Time: eRepublik's Quality Boost for Houses and Aircraft Weapons

Greetings, eRepublik enthusiasts! In our previous discussion, we explored the challenges of attaining higher pilot ranks. The path to these ranks has become more competitive, and players strive to reach the coveted Air Vice Marshal or beyond. To make this journey more achievable, we're back today to address the pressing need for an update that can enhance the quality of in-game assets, such as Houses and Aircraft Weapons.

The Mystery of Prepared But Unseen Resources

Rumor has it that the developers are sitting on a treasure trove of high-quality House and Aircraft Weapon resources, ready to rock our eRepublik world. It's almost like the easiest update for any game developer is deploying resources they've already prepared. The question is, why are they keeping this hidden from us like some classified government operation?

Imagine it: top-tier Houses that are more luxurious than a billionaire's mansion, and Aircraft Weapons so powerful they could knock a mountain off its feet. But alas, these potential game-changers are locked away in the dev vault.

Current Quality of Houses and Aircraft Weapons:
Let's begin by examining the current landscape. In eRepublik, Houses and Aircraft Weapons come in different quality levels, each with its own set of features and benefits.

H O U S E - Q U A L I T Y

Q1 House
Energy Pool : 2 x 50
Extra Recovery : 2

House Factory - Quality Level 1

Q2 House
Energy Pool : 2 x 80
Extra Recovery : 2

House Factory - Quality Level 2

Q3 House
Energy Pool : 2 x 100
Extra Recovery : 2

House Factory - Quality Level 3

Q4 House
Energy Pool : 2 x 150
Extra Recovery : 2

House Factory - Quality Level 4

Q5 House
Energy Pool : 2 x 200
Extra Recovery : 2

House Factory - Quality Level 5

A I R C R A F T - W E A P O N - Q U A L I T Y

Q1 Aircraft Weapon
Firepower : +20%
Durability : 1 uses

Aircraft Weapon - Quality Level 1

Q2 Aircraft Weapon
Firepower : +40%
Durability : 2 uses

Aircraft Weapon - Quality Level 2

Q3 Aircraft Weapon
Firepower : +60%
Durability : 3 uses

Aircraft Weapon - Quality Level 3

Q4 Aircraft Weapon
Firepower : +80%
Durability : 4 uses

Aircraft Weapon - Quality Level 4

Q5 Aircraft Weapon
Firepower : +100%
Durability : 5 uses

Aircraft Weapon - Quality Level 5

N E W - Q U A L I T Y

Q6 House
Energy Pool : no data
Extra Recovery : no data

House Factory - Quality Level 6

Q7 House
Energy Pool : no data
Extra Recovery : no data

House Factory - Quality Level 7

Q6 Aircraft Weapon
Firepower : +120%
Durability : 6 uses

Aircraft Weapon - Quality Level 6

Q7 Aircraft Weapon
Firepower : +200%
Durability : 10 uses

Aircraft Weapon - Quality Level 7

The eRepublik Paradox

Let's talk about the big issue: eRepublik tends to make us wait a lot. We've witnessed game owners or developers changing their minds more often than you'd see pancakes being flipped in a busy breakfast diner. It's about time we took charge of improving our Houses and Aircraft Weapons!

And don't even get us started on those pilot ranks. Achieving a higher rank is about as easy as winning the lottery while riding a unicorn. With the current weapons, reaching the top seems almost as improbable as finding a four-leaf clover in a field of three-leafers. But with these long-awaited updates, maybe, just maybe, we can all soar to the heights of eRepublik's pilot ranks faster than a fighter jet breaking the sound barrier.

The Perfect Time to Strike: Before Black Friday

Now, let's talk strategy. The best time to unveil these game-changing updates is before the grand spectacle of Black Friday. You might wonder, "Why before Black Friday?" Well, this is the day when virtual shopping carts runneth over with discounts, deals, and sales galore!

By launching the updates one month before Black Friday, players can get a head start on their holiday shopping sprees, snagging these fantastic new items. It's like getting a shiny, early Christmas present from the developers themselves. Black Friday, for those who aren't aware, is the day when retailers offer massive discounts, causing a shopping frenzy. It's the perfect time to unleash the House and Aircraft Weapons updates, giving players an early taste of the good stuff.

In Conclusion

As we eagerly await the arrival of these high-quality House and Aircraft Weapons, let's keep our fingers crossed for a pre-Black Friday treat. It's time for eRepublik to shine with a little humor, a dash of satire, and a lot of anticipation. So, developers, when you're ready to unveil these treasures, we'll be here, waiting with open arms (and virtual wallets)!

In the meantime, we can't help but chuckle at the fact that the owner of the game seems more inclined to update the design and presentation of pack offers, rather than focusing on improving the quality of the gameplay. We get it; a snazzy bundle can be tempting, but we'd trade a flashy package deal for a formidable fighter jet or a mansion with a helipad any day. It's a wild world out there in eRepublik, my friends, and we're just trying to make it a bit wackier (in a good way, of course).

Stay tuned, eRepublik adventurers. The future is brighter than the flashiest aircraft weapon, and our houses will soon be the envy of the eRepublik world.



Q8 Ground Weapon??


BONUS 5 from Malaysia but you can't see it here and need to watch it on youtube