[MoD] Training War Bounties - Reminder

Day 5,752, 03:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Strategic Command
Bounty Scheme - Friendly Reminder

If you come across a player not aligned with the UK or our TW partner during our training wars – someone who isn't fighting under the opposing flag – and you believe your strength is sufficient to courteously eliminate them, the Government offers a bounty program. You can earn up to 10 bounties each month, with the value scaling based on the damage you had to employ.

Warm appreciation to those who voluntarily participate in this initiative. Creating an environment of orderly and comfortable training wars, conducive to rank advancement, is a positive incentive to retain both new and seasoned players.

  • Knocking out third-party players who have accumulated UNDER 40k in air and 150m on the ground can be claimed for £5k.
  • Recapturing third-party players who have accumulated ABOVE 40k in air and 150m on the ground will entitle you to a £10k bounty.
  • Having to recapture against third-party players who have achieved a score above 80k in air and 300m on the ground will result in the bounty being DOUBLED to £20k.

Please be aware that a UK citizen can claim a maximum of 10 bounties within each monthly period.

Claim Process

For all future claims, please get in touch with Strategic Command. A representative from your Government team will facilitate the payment.

Your claim should include the following details:

Alternatively, you can make use of this gForm for submitting your claim.