Celebrating 400 Newspaper Articles in my newspaper

Day 5,677, 06:59 Published in Brazil Colombia by Georgelakeland
Celebrating 400 Newspaper Articles in my newspaper

( Greek below/ Ελληνικά πιό κάτω )
( Portuguese google translate below / Português google tradutor abaixo )


Celebrating 400 Newspaper Articles in my newspaper.
On day 5677 when the population is 34700 I am writing in my newspaper my
400th article. In these 14 years I have written 400 articles.
With this celebration I am giving 10 q3 food extra to those that congratulate me about the 400 th articles. I discovered about this when I counted my articles.

I have been in e-Brazil for about 10 days now. I am happy at the moment doing the battles available for me. I usually do the ground battles because the air battles are nearly always taken from the start. There is also a very big time different between Real Life Brazil time and Real Life Cyprus time that is about 6 hours. Up to now I only had 2 friend rejections. If you read this article and you are not my friend then send me a friend request.

In this article I also place another video for you to view. I hope you like it. COMMENTS ABOUT the video ling will provide you with extra 4 q4 food. Just press on the link and you will be taken to the video. PRESS ON THE BLUE AREA. THIS IS THE BLUE AREA THAT WILL TAKE YOU TO THE VIDEO. Comment HERE ABOUT IT.

I would like to say THANK YOU to my 1343 subscribers and to all that read my newspapers every time that I make an article. About 100-140 people read my newspapers every 3 articles. FEEL and BE privileged that you are one of my readers that visit and comment my newspaper. I always give out gifts to all.

( Greek / Ελληνικά )

Εορτασμός 400 άρθρων εφημερίδων στην εφημερίδα μου.
Την ημέρα 5677 που ο πληθυσμός είναι 34700, γράφω στην εφημερίδα μου
400 ον άρθρο. Σε αυτά τα 14 χρόνια έχω γράψει 400 άρθρα.
Με αυτή τη γιορτή δίνω 10 q3 φαγητό επιπλέον σε όσους με συγχαίρουν για τα 400α άρθρα. Το ανακάλυψα όταν μέτρησα τα άρθρα μου.

Είμαι στην ε-Βραζιλία εδώ και περίπου 10 μέρες. Είμαι χαρούμενος αυτή τη στιγμή που κάνω τις μάχες που είναι διαθέσιμες για μένα. Συνήθως κάνω τις μάχες εδάφους γιατί οι αερομαχίες γίνονται κατελειμένες σχεδόν πάντα από την αρχή. Υπάρχει επίσης μια πολύ μεγάλη διαφορά μεταξύ της Πραγματικής ώρας Βραζιλίας και της Πραγματικής ώρας Κύπρου που είναι περίπου 6 ώρες. Μέχρι τώρα είχα μόνο 2 απορρίψεις φίλων. Εάν διαβάσατε αυτό το άρθρο και δεν είστε φίλος μου, στείλτε μου ένα αίτημα φιλίας.

Σε αυτό το άρθρο τοποθετώ επίσης ένα άλλο βίντεο για να το δείτε. Ελπίζω να σας αρέσει. ΣΧΟΛΙΑ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΑ ΜΕ το βίντεο ling θα σας προσφέρει επιπλέον 4 q4 φαγητό. Απλώς πατήστε το σύνδεσμο και θα μεταφερθείτε στο βίντεο. ΠΑΤΗΣΤΕ ΣΤΗ ΜΠΛΕ ΠΕΡΙΟΧΗ. ΑΥΤΗ ΕΙΝΑΙ Η ΜΠΛΕ ΠΕΡΙΟΧΗ ΠΟΥ ΘΑ ΣΑΣ ΠΑΡΕΙ ΣΤΟ ΒΙΝΤΕΟ. Σχολιάστε ΕΔΩ ΓΙΑ ΑΥΤΟ.

Θα ήθελα να πω ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ στους 1343 συνδρομητές μου και σε όλους όσους διαβάζουν τις εφημερίδες μου κάθε φορά που κάνω ένα άρθρο. Περίπου 100-140 άτομα διαβάζουν τις εφημερίδες μου κάθε 3 άρθρα. ΝΙΩΣΤΕ και ΕΙΣΤΕ προνομιούχοι που είστε ένας από τους αναγνώστες μου που επισκέπτονται και σχολιάζουν την εφημερίδα μου. Δίνω πάντα δώρα σε όλους.

Portuguese google translate / Português google tradutor

Comemorando 400 artigos de jornal no meu jornal.
No dia 5677, quando a população é de 34700, estou escrevendo em meu jornal meu
400º artigo. Nestes 14 anos escrevi 400 artigos.
Com esta celebração dou 10 q3 extra de comida para aqueles que me felicitam pelos 400º artigos. Eu descobri isso quando contei meus artigos.

Estou no e-Brasil há cerca de 10 dias. Estou feliz no momento fazendo as batalhas disponíveis para mim. Eu costumo fazer as batalhas terrestres porque as batalhas aéreas quase sempre acontecem desde o início. Há também uma grande diferença entre o horário da Real Life Brasil e o horário da Real Life Chipre, que é de cerca de 6 horas. Até agora só tive 2 rejeições de amigos. Se você leu este artigo e não é meu amigo, envie-me uma solicitação de amizade.

Neste artigo também coloco outro vídeo para você visualizar. Espero que você goste. COMENTÁRIOS SOBRE o vídeo ling irá fornecer-lhe comida extra 4 q4. Basta clicar no link e você será levado ao vídeo. PRESSIONE NA ÁREA AZUL. ESTA É A ÁREA AZUL QUE O LEVARÁ AO VÍDEO. Comente AQUI SOBRE ISSO.

Eu gostaria de dizer OBRIGADO aos meus 1343 assinantes e a todos que lêem meus jornais toda vez que faço um artigo. Cerca de 100-140 pessoas lêem meus jornais a cada 3 artigos. SINTA-SE e SEJA privilegiado por ser um dos meus leitores que visita e comenta o meu jornal. Eu sempre dou presentes para todos.
