Introduction (to Destruction)

Day 5,445, 22:02 Published in Canada Pakistan by A. C. Dobro

Greetings, fellow citizens of Canada.

After 4490 days of absence, I have risen from the ashes of my former life (or two). Born in Volga, Russia on Day 630 (August 11, 2009), I traveled many lands without ever setting foot in my real birth country. I felt like this was long overdue for many reasons, so here is my story in the New World.

On the 20th day of my eRepublik experience, my life changed forever. The legendary American President Emerick personally gave me a moving ticket to join in on the epic defense campaign of North America. 19 days later, I would share the strangest interaction of my life, spending the next couple of months joining Balkan Beast in his quest to spread the... uh... Mudkips... (you liek them?) in the rather unpopulated country of Malaysia. These fundamental interactions would pave the way for the foundations of Dioism to spread to yours truly.

During my first excursion in Malaysia, I gained a bit of political experience (as well as in the realm of the more abstract/freeform military organization of v1). Beyond that, I proceeded to hop between USA and Thailand, twice each, serving the US Mobile Infantry and SEAL Team 6, as well as the Mobile Infantry of Thailand (as General, which would be the equivalent of Commander). I even spent time as a game moderator answering the tickets you might send to support!

And then, we entered into political drama. On April 25, 2010, I was elected as an American Congressman in the occupied region of Southern Thailand. Now, a recurring and accusatory theme in this experience happens to be a land border with Indonesia (including the great World War III)... I will skip the details, since I've heard that the admins finally dealt with banning people (after trying pay-to-win[?] first), but the tales are out there. On May 7, 2010, I left for martyrdom in the holy lands of Pakistan. I was banned on Day 903 (May 11, 2010).

Those who are fortunate enough to have experienced the epics of that era, may also be familiar with the drama surrounding multiple accounts. I proudly ran my own experiments with intention to 1) slow down Indonesia's botters, especially with Congressional PTOs (political take-overs) against a small, business/military operation in Thailand and to 2) offer some proof to the administration just how trivial it was to use multiple accounts (using proxy servers). The irony was, even with a directly provided list, there are still accounts from this incursion that never were banned... here is one, for example (no, I don't remember the password).

I will gladly take the hit on my long-term numbers when these things had actual repercussions (many players that may never return). How many American Congressmen, that were also moderators, got willingly banned to try and improve the game for the rest of the players? Thankfully, we may finally be at a state where these are truly things of the past!

And with that, I have potential reason to return and rediscover the New World! Maybe some of that v1 magic can be recaptured.

Al Dobro