Inner-Party Art Contest

Day 5,153, 18:35 Published in Japan Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

I am Party President of The Jinmin Sensen. I am sure we have members that are gifted with graphical design. But maybe there are others that wish to dabble in it. The GIMP 2.10.30 ( program is free and can most defiantly let anyone dabble. It is fairly easy to use, if you started out on MS Paint back in the 90's... it is a vast improvement.

Art Contest: I have changed the Political Party Avatar to a picture of Sid's Sushi Company from the game Sid Meier's Civilization 4. I have 928 hours on record since joining Steam some 7 years ago. Great game. However back to topic. Any design will do but the political party needs a new and improved design.

Old Design: This lasted us the majority of the Parties existence and I made it kinda smol, the new image should retain the Japanese text: 人民戦線

The new design should look "less rebellious" (I think this was the major complaint).

Another condition is that the image must be no less than 600 pixels by 600 pixels. This will help with formatting the design into other mediums.

You must be a Party member and Japanese Citizen to apply for the competition, art work done by a second party but present by you will work, but any prize will only go to the one presenting.

The last condition is that the image must be a png image format. It can have transparency, or not, its up to you.

The contest will run from now (publication) until the next Party President Elections. The Day before I give up my seat (or retain it as I am running for office), I will personally present it to leadership. We will then make the final decision and a cash offer from me will be given to 1st place.

Good Luck to all interested,

Party President of the Jinmin Sensen