Egypt:Hidden aspects II

Day 4,771, 11:27 Published in Egypt Egypt by pammaxoc

A lot of people are wondering what is going on with Egypt.Why Egypt and Greece are once again on fight and what is the dispute this time.This article is a political and military analysis to what happened and what is going on and will try to give some light to some hidden aspects of the story.
Lets see below and lets explain the situation further.

3 months ago (September) Iran and Italy NE Greece.At that time Egypt and Greece had a very friendly and productive ping pong.That ping pong came after 2 years of almost 0 diplomatic relationships btw Egypt and Greece.It was a mutual try from both sides to come close and start diplomatic relationships after all this time.Ping pong was going perfect but because Greece was facing real wars in their cores it was matter of time to come to an end.
Greek dictator Mithridatis after Iran and Italy conquered almost half of the greek cores asked from Egypt a favour:To hold the region of Crete for as much as possible to avoid getting wiped from Iran or Italy along with the rest of greek cores.
Egypt as an act of good neighbor did the favour and kept Crete region for 2 weeks.After those 2 weeks we gave Crete region back to Greece with supporting and starting a rw in the region.Greeks took back Crete region within 2 weeks.

This are the facts and the history.
Lets see what happened behind the scenes ...
Alioth the greek mofa started moaning to greek Dictator Mithridatis that Egypt will ''pass'' Crete region to Asteria.Ofc Egypt never ''pass'' Crete to anyone and Egypt returned the region back to Greece but Alioth grab the opportunity to use it as a fake accusation against Egypt promoting her gama hate agenda to the greek chats (once again)... Alioth is a gama member and everybody knows the hate that gama leaders F@anis and Nazgul have for Egypt and me in person through the years.
On top of that the following month some how Asoee ''became'' mod of Greece and soon after Asoee as mod started accusing Egypt with ss from february 2019 that Alioth gave to the greek chats to flame the greeks that we are enemies of Greece after we kept Crete region.
You can see Alioth's comments in Asoee post on public feeds that she admitted that she was the one spreading private ss that she had with Egyptian officials from 2019.On those ss that Alioth spread was asking for a favour to pass in Saoudi through Egypt but because Greece had vetoed twice Egypt from enetering to CODE Egypt refused.
Asoee post on public feeds :

Greece not only they never had been thankful to Egypt but on top of that they DoW Egypt.Greece justify their DoW as a punishment cause Egypt didn't ''follow'' the rules of tw...
Greece never gave Egypt any credit at all but once again we were the evil,backstabber,the crazy and the one that ''see ghosts from the past'' ...
Greece never appreciated that we arranged ping pong tw twice,kept crete region for them and ofc we try to helped them with advices during the recourses event.
Once again Alioth the greek mofa flamed the greeks with false accusations against Egypt and did the dirty job that she is doing for years : Promoting gama hate propaganda agenda among greeks from Egypt and Greece instead of peace.

Egypt doesn't care at all about Greek interior problems.Egypt is not going to tolerate bad behaviour or false accusations or provocations from Greece any more.Egypt doesn't care at all to talk with Greek officials that are saying lies and spreading private conversations as they like.
Egypt is moving forward but we stated and presented our point of view open and loud.We stated the facts and the back story.Egypt is trying our best to be a peace promoter in our area in the middle east.We have excellent relationships with Saudi Arabia,Turkey,Cyprus,Israel and we will keep on working for stability in the region.

Tahya Misr o7
Hail Egypt \o/
Hail Pyramids \o/
Hail Nile \o/

Cp of eEgypt