Titan, Resource Wars, Greece and Taxation

Day 4,704, 02:58 Published in Italy Italy by National eItaly

Next month will be a interesting one. This resource war will define the Italian bonuses for years to come. So, who is the best choice to guide us than our Beloved Oppressor Titan DC?

What to expect for the future then?
Well, if you are a NIO's member you can prepare yourself for a couple 100% resources.
If you are a guy of the opposition...nothing, as usual.

Sadly the homegrown commies slaves are dwindling in number recently. That's why we occupied Greece and Crete. For a while everything went smoothly, Greeks filled our coffers with pleasure, but after the event they will probably move their factories elsewhere.
Where to invade next?

We conclude this article thanking for the new logo and header our best and sole graphic designer, Emidio.
Thank you again, Emidio. Your work was really spot on.