News of the Swiss Crown

Day 4,432, 10:19 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Terry Benedictt

This will only be a brief announcement for our Swiss kingdom.
Our King, HRH Sheldon of House Cooper has appointed his first hand of the king and his official royal representative.

Mr. Terry Benedcit declared his loyalty to the kingdom of Switzerland and his compromise by he will keep working on the promotion of ARS.

Sheldon of House Cooper, First of His name, King of 26 Cantons, High Lord of Bern, Patriarch of Swiss nation has appointed Mr. Benedict his hand and his official royal representative.

Lord Benedict assumed the title with great honor, respect and loyalty to his king and kingdom and he is very happy for the king's return.
He said he will continue to work hard at ARS, the party that presides and also in the MU of which he is the commander.
Taking advantage of the occasion, he thanked his friends and advisors: Rican, Tim and Iviz. thanks to them he has committed and learned day by day.
He also thanked all the members of his party who are the fundamental pillar and highlighted their commitment.

Lord Terry Benedict, Hand of the King, Official Royal Representative and PP of ARS.