Presidential Candidates in Review

Day 4,093, 18:48 Published in Pakistan Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

Location: Quetta Resistance Headquarters
Time: 7:47 AM

Hello Readers, today I am reporting to you about our two front runners for the Country President Elections in Pakistan. The two candidates this month are Dio Hostilian from the Dioist Brotherhood and Ahsan from Awami Mili Party.

I asked each of them one question "What do you plan to do for Pakistan during your term if elected?"

Ahsan's Response: The major Priority of my Term will be freeing Iran in anyway possible. Secondary will be establishing Training Wars with Serbia because that will help secure the region from Airstrikes. Last but not least will be the creation of a National Welfare Program to help our Citizens through high salaries so they will be able to buy weapons and foods.

Dio Hostilian's Response: Ensure that we have more stable alliances, introduce the concept of transparency (ie. publish state newspapers with info on what is going on, and possibly get useful suggestions from others), and try to secure that we don't end up without congress again. There is really not much else that can be done. Possibly investigate the option of ASing someone, but we would need stability first.

I hope this article helps our voters on the 5th. I intentionally kept it short, perhaps the candidates can debate in the comments 😉