Training Wars becoming more costly

Day 4,065, 03:25 Published in Pakistan Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

If you have been living deep in the sands, it is a possibility that you may have given up on the eRepublik economy, thus not paid much attention to it. Well I am here to report on the common plebs adventures in this game. Salaries have skyrocketed last year, mainly due to events and the lack of workers as citizens die or are murdered by Plato.

Salaries are well above 1000 Dongs in nearly all markets. But with the increase in wages also comes increased costs of manufactured goods. I have not kept records or a historic analysis of the cost applied to the workers, but my guess is it has become exorbitant.

One single Tank, with all 20 hits it gives, goes for about 92 Dongs as of this publication. But most offers are above this amount. Food has also inflated with lower quality being the best bang for your buck.

General Managers using their Work as Manager production have been hit hardest, many manufactured goods they produce are at a loss when taxes are taken into account when Working as Manager.

I have been playing this game off and on for 9 years and with my strength I can pull off a few thousand Dongs worth of True Patriot Medals a day, without bars. As time progresses this huge inflationary bubble is slowly effecting my day to day damage output.

I don't buy Tycoon packs or at least I have not for a while now, as it like squeezing juice from a turnip.

Training Wars will likely take the biggest toll on lower echelon fighters and new comers to the game. Consumption will go down as more people fight exclusively in air rounds, but air rounds do not offer much in the way of True Patriot Bucks.

TL😉R: Slavery is real in eRepublik, too.