Hail Switzerland! Last CP speech

Day 3,788, 01:02 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Vincent Rekdal

Dear friends,

Also my second term is finished, so I want to spend some words about all the achievements we gained together.

First of all The Constitution, I’m very glad to leave you an important document that can guide the choices of every politician in this country;

Then we had the fiscal reform, we studied our economy and we modeled it in the best way for our country;

We successfully renewed our TW with our Taiwanese friends and also, we organized a RW with Slovenia, my only concern was not being able to have three regions for the elections I hope that my successor can do better in this sense.

We entered in Nebula to create new international relationships and to strengthen our international position.

So as you can see we did a lot of things in just 2 months and I’m very satisfied.

Well all this would not have been possible without my cabinet and without the support of all of you.

For this reason I want to thank all the people that collaborated with me lviz Fer, Albix and some words for Liakouris for accepting to take charge of the defense ministry without any experience doing a great work and Deathstroke Silar for taking charge the MoFA in a particular moment of our country being completely new.

Then I want to thank Rican and Borgogian for always supporting me,
finally I want to thank Blackbeard for all the work he did for the country during my first term.

Now new challenges are waiting eSwitzerland and I want to give my best good luck to Dare for next month. I’ll be always ready to help in case of necessity.

Hail Switzerland!